These Articles are indexed under SUSE and sorted by date published.

White-Box PC Makers Pre-Install SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop

Novell today announced it has signed agreements with four white-box PC manufacturers who will globally distribute PCs pre-loaded with SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 from Novell. European…

Novell Ships SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time

Novell today announced the availability of SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time, enabling customers to realize the benefits of Linux for real-time applications. SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time from…

SuSE Linux ThinkPad targets chip designers

Lenovo Group will immediately begin selling and supporting a high-end model of its ThinkPad laptop with Novell's latest desktop version of SUSE Linux installed, the two companies announced…

Novell Delivers Integrated Stack for SUSE Linux Enterprise

Novell today announced the global availability of the Integrated Stack for SUSE Linux Enterprise, a software bundle that combines SUSE Linux Enterprise Server from Novell with a mixture of open…

SUSE Linux 10.1 "Remastered" available

I'm happy to announce the availability of SUSE Linux 10.1 "remastered". This release combines the 10.1 GM and all online updates that we have released for 10.1 so far, including libzypp, which…

Novell, Concurrent Create Real-Time SUSE Linux Variant

Commercial Linux distributor Novell and real-time operating system expert Concurrent Computer have been quietly working on a real-time variant of the SUSE Linux distribution. Appropriately enough…

Novell to launch quick-response Linux

Novell plans an October launch for its Suse Linux Enterprise Real-Time product, an operating system geared for Wall Street traders and others who watch every microsecond of the clock.


Siemens selects SUSE Linux software system to enhance MRI products

Novell and Concurrent announced that Siemens Medical Solutions, a developer of MRI technology and applications, has selected SUSE Linux enterprise real time operating system and NightStar…

openSUSE 10.2 Alpha4 Released

I'm glad to announce the fourth alpha release of our openSUSE 10.2 distribution. The codename of openSUSE 10.2 is "Basilisk Lizard". With the rename of the distribution from SUSE Linux to openSUSE…