Red Hat Server System Administrators Needed for Beta

Xandros, today put out a call to Red Hat Enterprise Server system administrators to sign-up for the beta testing of Xandros’ new cross-platform server management tools. Red Hat server system administrators will play an integral part in assuring that the forthcoming Xandros product releases meet the highest standards for stability and ease of use. Red Hat administrators will test new monitoring tools to determine Xandros’ success in allowing administrators to manage multiple Red Hat Enterprise servers on various hardware architectures.

With the Xandros Management Tools for Red Hat, Red Hat server users will enjoy the same ease of setting up and managing their server as those who use the Xandros server. In general, Windows administration expertise is mostly sufficient to operate the Xandros system, as opposed to others requiring full Linux or Red Hat training.

Red Hat server administrators interested in testing the new tools are invited to apply at: