Trolltech and OpenMoko?

Trolltech today announced Qtopia Phone Edition, the leading application platform and user interface for Linux based mobile phones, has been ported to the Neo1973 mobile phone from Taiwanese…

The real Fix For Comcast BitTorrent Throttling

First, a little explanation may be needed as to what is happening in between you, Comcast and the Internet. Basically Comcast has been using a packet filtering platform called Sandvine. Sandvine…

Russian OS to be installed in every school

Russian OS is to be installed on every school computer in Russia by 2009. Furthermore, every pupil will get the opportunity to operate the applied software produced in Russia, Leonid Reiman,…

3rdRail Development Environment for Ruby on Rails

CodeGear, a leader in developer tools, today announced the general availability of its new integrated development environment (IDE) for Ruby on Rails (RoR), the open-source framework written in…

Angolan Government choses Mandriva to develop Information Society

Mandriva and Angola today announce the signature of a broad technical
cooperation agreement.

Angola - a country with strong links with Portugal and Brazil - has

Ubuntu 7.10 beta release is approaching

The Ubuntu 7.10 beta release is approaching, scheduled for 27th September ( Please refer to the milestone overview in Launchpad for a list of…

Palm's First Linux Smartphone Delayed Until Late 2008, Possibly 2009

First, it introduced and then pulled the troubled Foleo Mobile Companion, on the eve of when it was supposed to launch. Now comes word that Palm's first smartphone built on its upcoming Linux…

JackLab 1.0 Released

The JackLab project released the final 1.0 version of the JackLab Audio Distribution (JAD) today after a development period of over eight months. JAD 1.0 is based upon openSUSE 10.2 with the…

iPod Classic Will Be Supported

As recently reported on Slashdot, Apple, in its infinite wisdom, has added a checksum to the iPod database apparently to restrict non-iTunes products (like Amarok via libgpod) from having the…

The $100 laptop now the $188 laptop

The vaunted "$100 laptop" that Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers dreamed up for international schoolchildren is becoming a slightly more distant concept.

Leaders of the…