GNUmed Released

GNUmed is out. This release comes roughly 4 months after the release and introduces some important features and bugfixes.

Changelog is available from…

Linux and open source software pay off for PayPal

When Scott Thompson left Visa to take the CTO role at PayPal in 2005, the Web company's data centre surprised him. "Wait a minute," he recalls saying, "they run a payment system on Linux?"

Linux and its identity crisis

If you've been following the current rift in the Linux community between Linus Torvalds and his minions squaring off against Con Kolivas and the mainstream Linux fanatics, you probably know that…

Free and Open Source Web Meeting Service

dimdim, the world's first free web meeting service based on the open source platform, today launched at DEMOfall 07. dimdim is a browser-based web 2.0 service that allows anybody to share their…

Open source opens doors

For someone whose job suddenly disappeared on him, Auckland software developer Vik Olliver is on a high. Apart from his employment misfortune, good things have been happening to Olliver, a…

Linuxlookup Weekly Wrap-up for Sept 22 2007

Here is the weekly wrap-up, some of the hottest stories in the Linux community this week were...

- 3rdRail Development Environment for Ruby on Rails

- The real Fix…

Intel Open Source Project Maximizes Power Savings

Intel Corporation announced the launch of an open source community project designed to meet the growing demands for increased energy efficiency across the computing spectrum spanning servers in…

World's First ERP ASP in Open Source

Nexedi, the creator of ERP5, and ERP5 International partners announced that ERP5 Express, the world's first hosted solution for an open source ERP to the public, has been released.


Sparks Fly As Linux Kernel Guy Quits In A Huff

There's another item to add to my list of 7 Reasons Why Linux Won't Succeed On The Desktop. An Australian doctor who spent his spare time working on the kernel says desktop performance is…

Launchpad 1.1.9 Released

Launchpad 1.1.9 was released this morning with many new features.

* New "remote" branches: register a remote branch if you want Launchpad to monitor it and link to its code-browser but you…