Slackware 11 Released

Announcing Slackware Linux 11!

The first Slackware release more than a year in the making, this edition of Slackware combines Slackware's legendary simplicity, stability, and security with…

Keep your Web site online with a High Availability Linux Apache cluster

In a cluster environment, a high availability (HA) system is responsible for starting and stopping services, mounting and dismounting resources, monitoring the system availability in the cluster…

Mandriva Linux Whiffs on Virtualization Integration

With its Corporate Server 4, Mandriva is challenging the Linux data center operating systems from Red Hat and Novell by offering broader support for virtualization technologies. It's a solid-…

OpenSparc Project Taps Advisory Board, Sees Linux Momentum

While there are several hundred open source software projects in the world, there are very few open hardware projects. The OpenSparc project, launched by Sun Microsystems to create an open source…

Carrier Grade Linux moves beyond telecoms into data centers

Carrier Grade Linux (CGL) started as a telecommunications infrastructure building block, but its strong availability, scalability and service response features are driving its adoption in…

MySQL CEO sees 'invisible hand' at work

What's the link between eighteenth-century Scottish philosopher Adam Smith, often regarded as the father of modern economics, and the open-source software movement? According to Marten Mickos, the…

Install XGL & Beryl on Dapper w/ nVidia using apt-get

An easy-to-follow reference for installing XGL and Beryl on Dapper for those of us with nVidia cards. Remember, Beryl is still pre-alpha though.…

Library requirements for Flash 9 Player for Linux

As we draw closer to an anticipated beta release of the Flash Player, we thought people might be interested in knowing what libraries their host systems will be expected to provide for the Player…

RPLinux: China's Answer to the $100 PC

A while back, I stumbled upon something called the Municator PC from YellowSheepRiver Municator, Inc. At first, I thought this had to be yet another hoax, but as I looked deeper into it, I found…

Hackers claim zero-day flaw in Firefox

The open-source Firefox Web browser is critically flawed in the way it handles JavaScript, two hackers said Saturday afternoon.

An attacker could commandeer a computer running the browser…