OLPC Foundation Sued

A Massachusetts company has sued the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Foundation for patent infringement, saying that the project has stolen it’s own designs for a multilingual keyboard on the OLPC XO…

Novell's Trial Brief for Utah

Groklaw member LEXLAW suggested that now would be a good time to take a second look at Novell's Trial Brief [PDF]. It was filed in Utah back in the middle of September, on the same day that SCO…

xTuple Applications Certified for Mac OS X “Leopard”

xTuple announced that the current shipping release of its xTuple Applications – the OpenMFG Enterprise Resource Planning Suite and the PostBooks free and open source edition – have been certified…

BMC's William Hurley talks up open source

At 36 years old, William Hurley has been involved in IT for more than half his life, starting after a car accident that left him badly injured. While recovering, he began hacking X-objects for…

IBM Lotus Notes for Linux Multiple Insecure File Permission Vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in IBM Lotus Notes for Linux, which could be exploited by malicious users to bypass security restrictions and potentially compromise a vulnerable…

EsSalud utilizes virtualization capabilities in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Red Hat announced that EsSalud, a state-owned insurance and service provider in Peru offering medical and economic benefits that cover eight million regularly insured parties and successors, has…

ASUSTek comments on Eee PC source code violation

The open source code for EeePC is available here. To download the source code of all open source software packages that are included in the product, follow the steps listed below.


Why Microsoft Rattles The Patent Saber

It must be maddening to believe you command developer loyalties and lead legions worldwide, then watch developers flock to the Linux kernel. Maddening, that is, if you're Microsoft. Why does…

Google announces open source contest for high school students

Google has announced a contest open to high school students during the Open Source Developers' Conference in Brisbane, Australia. The Google Highly Open Participation Contest was created to help…

Putting Linux in Perspective

While I was cleaning up my office I ran into the March 1986 issue of UNIX/WORLD, a long-since deceased magazine. I had saved this particular magazine because I am the author of the article…