One man can end the Microsoft-Linux feud

I don't think it's a coincidence, or a mere marketing choice, that caused Gates to pop up as the public face of the Windows Vista launch last week, after publicly retiring six months earlier.…

Ubuntu Canada vs. Microsoft's Ice House

Despite bad press, and discouraging comments from various sources in the Toronto Linux community that we shouldn't be unprofessional, and that we're giving Linux a bad name, Operation Cold Comfort…

PostgreSQL Shows How Open Source Support Can Be Hard To Come By

When companies embrace an open source project, getting good support is one of the key factors.

Companies may want a solid, for-profit vendor providing support when they embrace an open…

AsteriskNow Rocks Open Source Telecom World

Solution providers searching "Mark Spencer" on YouTube will find not only a bizarre clip about a homemade cake and humorous downloads regarding British department store Marks & Spencer, but a…

Novell could be banned from selling Linux

The Free Software Foundation is reviewing Novell Inc.'s right to sell new versions of Linux operating system software after the open-source community criticized Novell for teaming up with…

Weekly Wrap-up Feb 3 2007

Here is the weekly wrap-up, some of the hottest stories in the Linux community this week were...

- Debian-Installer Loader

- Did Microsoft want to 'whack' Dell over…

Microsoft tried to muck with anti-Linux ‘facts’

Microsoft's practice of paying analysts to conduct studies showing Windows' superiority over Linux have never sat right with me. It looks like my hunch was right that Microsoft's "Get the Facts"…

Microsoft browser rival Mozilla eyes China, which makes Firefox, the most popular Web browser alternative to Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer, is setting up a China office to do battle in the world's second-largest Web…

Open XML translator lets Microsoft Word speak in open source

In an acknowledgment of the international push for open standards, Microsoft funded work on the Open XML translator but did not contribute any code. It allows Microsoft Word 2007 to open and save…

Microsoft Exec Wanted To Mask Linux Report Sponsorship

Microsoft executives pondered whether to remove the company's name from a 2002 report done by research firm IDC that touted Windows total cost of ownership over Linux, according to e-mail messages…