xTuple announced the release of Version 2.2.1 of its PostBooks Accounting, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution. The release is a follow-up to the recent version 2.2.0, and offers the open source community a new data import and mapping tool called CSVimp, as well as enhanced documentation and examples supporting the new xTuple Application Programming Interface (API) for connecting to external systems. The release also contains bug fixes and features suggested and contributed by the xTuple community.
“Two requirements we heard immediately from PostBooks users were the need for a robust data import tool, and more emphasis on interfacing with other systems,” said Ned Lilly, President and CEO of xTuple. “We’re pleased to make our internal tools in these areas available to the community, and to step up our commitment to expanding and documenting those tools.”
The CSVimp data import and mapping tool lets users import comma separated value (CSV) files into PostBooks, or OpenMFG, its commercially-licensed sibling with enhanced features for manufacturers and distributors. In addition to documentation and example files (including how to migrate data from the QuickBooks accounting package), binaries and source code for CSVimp are now available from PostBooks’ home at the SourceForge open source repository, in the PostBooks-csvimp package, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=196195&package_id=246697.
PostBooks 2.2.1 also includes additional new documentation around the new API for connecting to external systems, including a white paper and working examples using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and Visual Basic macros. The API materials are available in the PostBooks-API download package, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=196195&package_id=246970.
The new version also includes the final user guide documentation, which is available in both the printable PDF books and the application-based help files that load with the Qt Assistant tool within the PostBooks GUI client. They're also online in HTML format at http://www.xtuple.com/docs/userguide.
Both PostBooks and OpenMFG run equally well on Windows, Linux, and Mac computers, and are fully internationalized with multi-currency, support for multiple tax structures, and multilingual translation packs maintained by the global open-source community. All this and more, including public discussion forums, blogs, and the community issue/bug tracker, can be found at http://www.xtuple.org.