The annual Conference (OOoCon) will be held in Lyon, France, from 11-13 September. All are welcome. Past conferences have been fun, important, memorable, and have dealt with technical as well as business and social concerns. This year we are including a special track on the OpenDocument Format--the format that is changing the face of business. Registration is open and volunteers, as they say, are standing by.
Conference highlights include keynote speakers from Novell and Google, and a panel discussion with speakers from IBM, Ars Aperta and Sun Microsystems. Over the three days, the conference streams cover topics of interest to developers and users, newcomers and veterans alike. There will be a particular focus on this year on and Open Document Format (ODF), following ODF's ratification as the international standard for office documents (ISO 26300).
The organisers have not forgotten the social side, making the most of the location in Lyon, the gastronomical heart of France. Last year's conference achieved rave reviews from attenders both for the conference content and the superb atmosphere - the organisers aim to raise the standard again this year.