Advanced preview of

After several months of redesign and an entirely new content management system, is opening its doors once again! We have decided to start off fresh. This means user accounts, newsletter sign-ups, LUGs and old news articles will not be carried over.

Our records indicate you were a member or newsletter subscriber on the old site, so we are giving you an opportunity to register a username before the general public launch. Act now and register your new username before it's taken. Visit

While you're at it, re-subscribe to our low volume newsletter or submit your Linux User Group.

Some new/updated features include:

- Linux Community Support Forums.
- Site wide RSS feeds.
- New Product Review listing.
- New Linux User Group listing.
- Real time security advisory updates.
- Improved User Interfaces.
- Personal Profiles.
- Hourly section updates.
- User messaging.
- Integrated Newsletter.
- Automated Prize Giveaway System.
- Access to exclusive content.
- And more sections launching soon.