Can FOSS save your privacy?

Well, the Bush regime has already claimed “we don’t need no steenkin warrant” to listen to your phone calls, see what websites you visit, scan your emails, and now, with the revelation of a new “signing statement”, it’s even claiming the authority to read your physical mail. When the government becomes the biggest threat to your privacy, you better take advantage of the legion of privacy advocates creating FOSS to help you retain what little bit of privacy you can still have.

Yes, our privacy is under assault by the Bush executive branch: tapping calls in violation of the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Security Act) statutes; going on fishing expeditions into the search traffic of Google, Yahoo, et al; the FBI is reading our emails (which are open for anyone to read anyway); and now Bush claims the authority to read our physical mail without a warrant too.

Can FOSS save your privacy?